
P4 Spotlight: Tiffany Campbell


Tiffany Campbell, from Gray Court, S.C., is on track to earn her PharmD in May.

Here’s more about Tiffany–

Why did you decide to become a pharmacist?

As a nurse, I constantly had patients asking me questions about their medications that I was not prepared to answer. I always made an attempt to get the answer for them, but I became very interested in learning more about medications and how they work.

I wanted to be able to answer those medication questions on my own and provide adequate medication counseling to my patients.

What has been your favorite part of PC School of Pharmacy?

I love how small the school is and how everyone gets to know each other in some capacity. I also liked how safe the school felt, almost like a second home.

What makes PC School of Pharmacy unique?

Wearing professional attire to class and the focus on giving back to the community.