The 30 faculty members within the School of Pharmacy are organized into two departments:
Departments & Offices
Pharmacy Departments
Pharmaceutical and Administrative Sciences
The Department of Pharmaceutical and Administrative Sciences is generally made up of Ph.D. faculty who teach students a large segment of the science didactic coursework of the curriculum. These faculty perform basic fundamental research in the pharmaceutical sciences, an interdisciplinary science concerned with the development of drugs and drug delivery systems. The pharmaceutical sciences combine a broad range of scientific disciplines in the discovery and development of new drugs. These disciplines include fields as diverse as biology, chemistry, cell, and molecular biology, chemical engineering, pharmaceutics, pharmacology, and physiology.
Pharmacy Practice
Faculty members of the Department of Pharmacy Practice are practicing pharmacists who are credentialed in a specialty area of pharmacy, teach those skills necessary to practice pharmacy, manage a practice site for delivering pharmacy care, and do research on aspects of that care. The department consists of tenure-track faculty and over 200 affiliate faculty preceptors. The experience and knowledge of the faculty of the Department of Pharmacy Practice enable professional degree students to receive excellent didactic and experiential training necessary to become well-rounded practitioners.