
list of news articles

SCPhA Convention June 2015

SCPhA Convention June 2015 Students and faculty attended the South Carolina Pharmacy Association (SCPhA) Annual Convention this past June in Hilton Head, SC where the theme this year was “Grease.” Jean Whyte was nominated and awarded the South Carolina Pharmacy Association (SCPHA) 2015 Student Pharmacist of the Year award at the Annual Convention this June....

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Pharmacy: Patients, Pills, and Potions

“Pharmacy:  Patients, Pills, and Potions” at the SC Governor’s School PCSP was well represented at the 2015 GoSciTech, the SC Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics’ annual residential summer science camp in Hartsville, SC.  Drs. Scott Asbill, Rebecca Bickley, Giuseppe Gumina, Amy Messersmith, Nancy Taylor, Tiffaney Threatt and Eileen Ward, and P3 student Becca Foster...

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Pharmacy Research Summer Interns Return to PC

Pharmacy Research Summer Interns Return to PC This summer, interns spent eight weeks doing faculty-mentored pharmacy and biomedical research projects that spanned from clinical to basic science.  This year the program included PCSP students and pre-pharmacy students from across the US  The program also expanded to include international students as well. This year, the program...

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