
Why pharmacy? And why the PC School of Pharmacy? A P3 tells you why.

Jessica Yarbrough | School of Pharmacy | Presbyterian College | Clinton SC

Jessica Yarbrough’s family always encouraged her to consider pharmacy. But, as she says, she “never gave pharmacy the time of day.”

Jessica planned to go to medical school and study genetics instead. That all changed when she made a last-minute decision to visit the PC School of Pharmacy.

In this Q&A, check out why Jessica chose the PC and what life as a pharmacy student has been like since then.

1. How was the tour?

Mrs. Deanie Kane (director of admissions) made me feel welcome and put me in contact with all of the right professors who were happy to talk with me about the future of pharmacy and the immersion of pharmacogenomics. Ever since that day, I have not looked back.

2. Why did you choose to attend PC School of Pharmacy?

I scheduled a tour with Mrs. Kane simply so that I could evaluate all of my career path options. I had been praying for a while that God would show me where I needed to be, and that is exactly what He did when I visited PC. I loved the small community feel that PC offered and could instantly envision myself becoming part of that community.

3. What have you loved about PCSP that you didn’t expect?

At first I did not like the idea of having multiple professors teach in one class. As a P3 student, I now see the value of this teaching approach. Having multiple professors in one class can sometimes be a challenge, but I believe that it prepares us for all of the different patients that we will see as practicing pharmacists.

4. What are you involved in at PCSP?

The two organizations that I am most involved in at PC are Phi Lambda Sigma (PLS) and Christian Pharmacist Fellowship International (CPFI).

I became involved in CPFI shortly after beginning pharmacy school. I can honestly say that CPFI helped me make it through my first year. I had recently lost my father and CPFI offered a lot of inspirational things that helped me stay strong and persevere.

PLS is an organization that is focused on leadership and leadership development. I believe that as a future pharmacist it is essential for me to develop the skills necessary to be a successful leader, and PLS has challenged me and provided me with the tools to do just that.

5. What advice would you recommend to a student looking at pharmacy schools now?

When looking for a pharmacy school, it is important to find a place that fits your character and aligns with your future goals. Visit the school so that you can get a true feel for the atmosphere and always ask questions. Do your research and find out what type of organizations you want to be involved in as a pharmacy student and find out if the school offers those organizations.

PC is an exceptional pharmacy school that offers a wide array of organizations and opportunities for students to get involved. If an organization is not currently offered, you could even start it up yourself. PC also does a fantastic job at challenging students and preparing them to be successful pharmacists after graduation.

We want to hear from you

If you’re ready to visit campus or if you have any specific questions, please call Deanie Kane, the director of admissions at 864-938-3913 or send her an email.