Service thru Leadership
“While we live, we serve” is not only our school motto, but a life long obsession we hope to instill in our students. Kendall Brown and John Davis Scheper are leading the way to inspire others in the pharmacy profession to be of service to our community by taking on a leadership position.
Ms. Kendall Brown, P2 student, at the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy has been selected to serve on the 2018-2020 National Community Pharmacists Association Student Leadership Council (NCPA). This is a two year commitment. The first year as a junior member and the second year as the senior member. Kendall is one of eight selected junior members nationally. As a Student Leadership Council (SLC) Member, Kendall will serve as a regional representative and contact for NCPA student chapters within one of the eight assigned NCPA student chapter regions. One junior member and one senior member will be assigned to each region. This responsibility entails communicating information to NCPA chapters within the region on a monthly basis, providing feedback to chapters in the region, and reporting to the NCPA Department of Professional and Student Affairs. SLC members are responsible for reviewing chapter midyear reports for chapters in the region and providing feedback to the chapters. SLC members are also responsible for reviewing chapter End of Year reports and determining Chapter of the Year Awards for announcement at the NCPA Annual Convention and Trade Exposition. Finally, SLC members are encouraged to travel to at least 2 schools/colleges of pharmacy during their tenure on the SLC to present basic information on community pharmacy and NCPA. The SLC members also will travel to a retreat in Alexandria, VA and national conventions in Boston, MA and San Diego, CA over the next two years. This is an outstanding opportunity for Kendall to become involved nationally and enhance her leadership skills. We are proud of her being selected to the NCPA Student Leadership Council. She will be an outstanding representative of PC.
Mr. John David Scheper, a P3 student, at the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy has been selected to participate in the 2018 NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill, March 7-8, 2018 in Washington, DC. The event activities are divided into two parts: (1) NACDS RxIMPACT U Academy; and (2) NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill. Hundreds will attend this event that will bring nearly 400 advocates from across the nation to Washington, DC to educate members of Congress about the importance of pro-patient, pro-pharmacy policy and key issues related to healthcare reform. John will be an excellent representative for our profession and our college as he takes part in this educational legislative venture. Congratulations to John for this worthy selection to participate in this event.