Match Day 2017
On behalf of all faculty, staff and fellow students, Presbyterian College and Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy is extremely proud to announce the outstanding performance of our P4 students who participated in the Phase I Match today. 69.6% of these students successfully matched with a residency program to pursue PGY1 postgraduate training after graduation. We still have the Phase II Match to go, so we are rooting for our students who will be participating in this part of the process. We are also extremely proud of our alumni who participated in the Phase I Match for PGY2 postgraduate training. 66.7% of our alumni successfully matched with a residency program, and we are hopeful that more will solidify spots through the Phase II process. Currently, the states represented where our students will be training include GA, SC, FL, TN, NC, PA, MS.
Postgraduate training is a highly competitive process, with the national first time match rate typically being between 50-60%. Again, we are ecstatic to announce these results for our PGY1 and PGY2 matches and are immensely proud of the accomplishments of our students and our alumni.