
BREAKING NEWS: Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy’s Doctor of Pharmacy Program is Accredited


PCSP Receives Accreditation

The Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) Board of Directors reviewed the Doctor of Pharmacy program of the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy for purposes of advancement from Candidate Status to Accredited Status at its June 18-22, 2014, meeting. This review was based upon due consideration of the Evaluation Team Report from the on-site evaluation dated April 22-24, 2014, the School’s self-study, and other communications received from the institution.

Following discussion of the program, it was the decision of the Board that Accreditation Status of the Doctor of Pharmacy program be granted. The professional program of the School and its accreditation status will be designated on ACPE’s web site, Notice of the accreditation status of the program will also appear in the ACPE Report of the Proceedings, to be distributed during July 2014.