PCSP Awards Presentation Day 2014
The Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy recognized achievements in academics, service, and leadership during its fourth annual awards ceremony in Belk Auditorium on April 22, 2014.
During the event Dr. Jennifer Clements, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice at the School of Pharmacy, was named the 2014 School of Pharmacy Teacher of the Year.
The Teacher of the Year Award is given to an outstanding teacher on the faculty of the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy each year. Students are invited to nominate a deserving faculty member each spring and nominees are selected for consideration based upon the following criteria:
- Concern for student learning
- General knowledge base
- Encouragement of student participation in the learning process
- Ability to stimulate learning
- Informative to students
- Pedagogical organization
- Communication skills
- Correlation between lectures and exam
- Fairness in the classroom
- Respect for students
- Ability to discuss matters outside of class
The winner of the Teacher of the Year Award receives a plaque and paid travel expenses to this year’s American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy meeting in Texas to be recognized at a luncheon for Teachers of the Year from across the country.
Dr. Clements was described by students with the following comments:
– Takes that extra step and goes above and beyond as a professor, preceptor and mentor to ensure that students are successful.
– Emails and other messages are always answered in a timely manner, even over the weekends.
– Is encouraging, motivational, well-organized, and challenging, while being respectful of the students’ time and other responsibilities.
– Classes are interesting and interactive.
– Expectations are clearly communicated to the students.
– Leads our students by example and is a great role model.
– While challenging students to grow personally and professionally, has a great spirit and truly displays what a pharmacist should be.
Dr. Sean Tran was awarded the Preceptor of the Year for 2014. The Preceptor of the Year Award seeks to recognize preceptors’ commitment to excellence and outstanding contributions to the educational development of future pharmacists at Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy. To be eligible for the award, a preceptor must have precepted a minimum of 6 students during the previous academic year AND must not have received the award within the last five years. The Preceptor of the Year demonstrates high standards of professionalism through:
- pharmacy leadership, service, and involvement
- expression of genuine concern for patients
- development of innovative or progressive practice
- demonstration of a continuous desire to enhance practice/professional skills
- employment of mutual respect, patience, and a constructive/positive attitude with students, fellow practitioners, and other health professionals
- consistent exhibition of professional ethics within the constraints of professional standards and the federal and state laws that govern the profession
The Preceptor of the Year is also invited to be the guest speaker at our White Coat Ceremony in August.
Ms. Rebecca Laura was awarded the Student Advocate Award for 2014. The Student Advocate Award was created to honor a staff member of the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy who has gone above and beyond “the call of duty” in his or her job responsibilities. Staff are nominated by students during the spring semester and nominees are selected based upon the following criteria:
- exhibiting concern for and respect to students
- providing assistance or information to students in a manner that is above and beyond the “call of duty”
- demonstrating high quality interactions with individual students and/or student groups
- in some other way, positively impacting students’ experience at the PC School of Pharmacy
The 2013-2014 Student Advocate Award winner was described by students with the following comments:
* Always goes above and beyond the responsibilities required of the position
* So pleasant to work with
* Comes to almost every single function
* Willing to drop any personal plans and ALWAYS participates
* Willing to do anything to promote and further represent the good name of PCSP
* Always there to help, always available with a smile
* Totally dedicated to students
* Very reliable and extremely hard working
* We love you!!!
As an extension of our mission here at Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy, it is very important that we recognize outstanding student contributions in the areas of service and leadership. Faculty submitted student nominations for the Outstanding Student Service Award and Outstanding Student Leadership Award to the Scholarship and Awards Committee in mid-April. Several excellent students were nominated; making the committee’s decision very difficult. The recipients were selected by the committee based on:
- The breadth and depth of student service or leadership while in pharmacy school,
- The contribution of the student’s efforts to the mission of PCSP; and
- The strength of the faculty nomination.
This year’s winner of the Outstanding Student Service Award was nominated because of his dedication to starting healthy initiatives in the Clinton community. He approached administration and faculty his first semester with the desire for the School of Pharmacy to host a 5K to reach out to the community. He worked tirelessly with community leaders and faculty to organize a 5K and tie it in with a community health fair. Last year, his efforts were realized with the first annual March on Health 5K and the event grew this past year with over 100 participants, raising over $2000 for the Clinton YMCA to send kids to the YMCA summer camps. In recognition for his dedicated service to and true care for the community, Mr. Michael Cohen has been chosen to receive the Outstanding Student Service Award for 2014.
This year’s winner of the Outstanding Student Leadership Award was nominated based on her breadth and length of leadership at the School, College, and state level. At the School level, she has served in leadership in SSHP and as president of PSGA, leading PSGA through some difficult decisions and taking it to a new level as a student-lead and student-run entity. She also represented the student body on the School’s Experiential Program Review Committee, Accreditation Self-Study Committee, and Dean’s Council, providing valuable insight into the students’ perspective. At the College level, she represented the student body on the Dean Search Committee and upholds the College’s longstanding tradition of integrity by serving on the Pharmacy Honor Council. At the state level, she is a member of SCPhA and served last year as an SCPhA Junior Board Member. In recognition for her effective leadership at these various levels, Ms. Jean Whyte has been chosen to receive the Outstanding Student Leadership Award for 2014.
The School of Pharmacy spends considerable effort in developing our students as professionals and is proud of the way our students’ demonstrate their commitment to the pharmacy profession and they way they represent our program. In order to recognize exceptional student professionalism, the Scholarship and Awards Committee invited peer nominations of students who exhibit outstanding professionalism. The recipient was selected by the committee based on:
- Demonstration of consistent professional behavior and demeanor by the student;
- The student’s commitment to the pharmacy profession; and
- The strength of the peer nomination.
This year’s winner of the Outstanding Professionalism Award was nominated by her peers for consistently showing exemplary professionalism in all aspects of his life. Whether it be in his leadership roles at the state or school level, talking to a professor after class, at professional meetings, or working with patients and other healthcare providers on a mission trip, this student maintains a professional demeanor in his dealings with others. Professionalism is not simply reflected in one’s behavior and demeanor, it is also reflected in a person’s advocacy for and involvement with the profession of pharmacy. The selected student has demonstrated his dedication to professional advocacy, attending the APhA summer leadership institute to learn about leadership and advocacy at a national level and by serving at the state level as a SCPhA junior board member. For these reasons, Mr. Kemper Booth has been chosen to receive the Outstanding Professionalism Award for 2014.
Pharmacy Student Ambassadors are a volunteer organization of students that serve as ambassadors in public relations with prospective students and their families, alumni, preceptors, and members of the community. The Director of Admissions and Pharmacy Student Ambassador Coordinator select a student ambassador who has gone above and beyond in serving during the past year. This year, two student ambassadors were always willing to serve in a pinch and on more than one occasion when above and beyond the call of duty. In appreciation of their service to the School, we are proud to present Ms. Becca Conley and Mr. Dylan Porter with Pharmacy Student Ambassadors Extra Mile Awards.
Each year, the Office of Professional and Student Affairs recognizes a faculty member who has gone above and beyond with an Exemplary Service to Admissions Faculty Award. The Director of Admissions selected a faculty member who exhibited dedicated service to admissions by attending admissions events, interviewing students, and interacting with prospects and incoming students. This past year, we could not have completed our admissions interviews without this faculty member who interviewed 66 students on regular interview days and he also interviewed a candidate from California who flew in on one of our snow days as well as conducted a Skype interview with an early entry student from Texas. He also helped with fall open house events, called and emailed accepted students, participated in the Class of 2017 Meet and Greet as part of the panel, and facilitated compounding lab activities during recruitment events for visiting high school counselors and again for Clinton High School students. In appreciation for his continued and dedicated service, we are proud to present Dr. Scott Asbill with the Exemplary Service to Admissions Faculty Award.
The Pharmacy Student Governance Association serves as the governing group of the student body and is comprised of representatives from each student organization. The purpose of the Pharmacy Student Governance Association is to:
- Create opportunity, convey leadership, and promote spirit amongst student body,
- Coordinate and facilitate student leadership of student organizations of the School of Pharmacy,
- Develop and promote leadership qualities and practices in PCSP student leaders, and
- Evoke expression and involvement amongst students
Ms. Jean Whyte served this past year as president of the Pharmacy Student Governance Association, providing leadership to all student organizations and the student body at large. In appreciation of her leadership and service to the School, we are proud to present Jean with a plaque commemorating her year as PSGA president.
The Class Presidents and Liaisons provided leadership this past year by representing their classmates on the Faculty-Student Liaison Committee and the Dean’s Council. In appreciation of their leadership and service to the School and their classmates, we are proud to present each Class Liaison with a Care for the Community ornament and each Class President with a plaque commemorating their year as class president.
Ms. Amber Rish, Class of 2014 President
Mr. Matthew Lineberger, Class of 2014 Liaison
Mr. Tramaine Young, Class of 2015 President
Mr. Jason Jones, Class of 2015 Liaison
Ms. Mary Beth Dykes, Class of 2016 President
Ms. Kim Sisouk, Class of 2016 Liaison
Ms. Judith Gomes, Class of 2017 President
Mr. Blake Sanders, Class of 2017 Liaison
As decided by the Pharmacy Student Governance Association, the purpose of student organizations is to:
- Advocate for the profession of pharmacy as a unified group
- Serve and educate the community
- Develop students as professionals and leaders
- Represent Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy
- Provide networking and collaborative opportunities for students while exposing them to a variety of practice and career opportunities
- Engage external constituents with the School of Pharmacy
- Foster a sense of community and social enrichment within the School
Participation in student organizations is important for the professional development of all students and the involvement of student leaders really make student organizations possible. Today, we would like to recognize student leaders from each student organization and thank them for their contributions to the organization and the School. The faculty advisor and 2014-2015 president of each organization will be presenting awards to members who have excelled in leadership during the 2013-2014 year.
In appreciation of their leadership and service to the School, their classmates, and professional pharmacy organizations, we are proud to present each 2013-2014 President with a plaque commemorating their year as president.
Presenting the Past-President’s Award to Ms. Marketta Eason for the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy is president, Krystal Shelton.
Presenting the Past-President’s Award to Mr. Shuler Spigener for the Academy of Student Pharmacists of the American Pharmacists Association are the faculty advisor, Dr. Kayce Shealy, and president, Kemper Booth.
Presenting the Past-President’s Award to Ms. Allison Whitney for the Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International are the faculty advisor, Dr. Tiffaney Threatt, and president, Jenny Goetzmann.
Presenting the Past-President’s Award to Ms. Lauren Linder for the College of Neurologic and Psychiatric Pharmacists are the faculty advisor, Dr. Kathryn Freeland, and president, Courtney Batson.
Presenting the Past-President’s Award to Ms. Samantha Hill for the Kappa Epsilon Professional Pharmacy Fraternity are the faculty advisor, Dr. Kate Moore, and president, Alex Yarborough.
Presenting the Past-President’s Award to Ms.Jessica Anderson for the National Community Pharmacists Association are the faculty advisor, Dr. Gene Reeder, and president, Paige Ross.
Presenting the Past-President’s Award to Ms. Jessica Anderson for the Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society are the faculty advisor, Dr. Julie Sease, and president, Arathi Pillay.
Presenting the Past-President’s Award to Ms.Shavonda Green for the Student National Pharmaceutical Association are the faculty advisor, Dr. Lewis McKelvey, and the president, Dana Holliday.
Presenting the Past-President’s Award to Ms. Kayla Lewis for the Student Society of Health-Systems Pharmacy is the faculty advisor, Dr. Nancy Goodbar, and president, Caleb Wallace.
Our PCSP chapter of the National Community Pharmacists Association annually selects a member who has gone above and beyond to receive the Member of the Year Award. The 2013-2014 NCPA Member of the Year is Ms.Merritt Hardee.
Scholarships support our students in their pursuit of a pharmacy education. As a new program we have diligently strived to procure scholarships to reward students achievements and aid students in a number of ways. The contributors to these scholarships are invaluable to our students and the development of all academic institutions.
Walgreens sponsors several scholarships for Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy students each year. Walgreens gift strategy is three-fold: to increase the availability of education assistance for underrepresented students enrolled in pharmacy programs; to support the development of pipeline and recruitment programs targeting minority students; and to support awareness initiatives and programs that focus on building a diverse, supportive and inclusive culture. The Walgreens Diversity Scholarship is awarded to a student or students who represents a diverse group or underrepresented minority and has expressed interest in community pharmacy. The Walgreens Diversity and Inclusion Excellence Scholarship is awarded to a student who embraces diversity, promotes diversity and inclusion awareness initiatives on campus, and demonstrates a strong commitment to raising awareness in diversity or has played an active role in educating others about cultural competency and diversity related matters impacting the pharmacy profession. The 2013-2014 recipients of the Walgreens Diversity Scholarships are Ms. Elvira Ebini and Ms. Sarah Goines and the 2013-2014 recipient of the Walgreens Diversity and Inclusion Excellence Scholarship is Mr. Tramaine Young.
The CVS Caremark Charitable Trust Scholarship is awarded to an exemplary student who has completed at least one year of pharmacy school with an excellent academic record and is interested in pursuing a career in community pharmacy. The 2013-2014 recipients of the CVS Caremark Charitable Trust Scholarships are Ms. Marija Betejeva, Ms. Jenny Goetzmann, Mr. Daniel McLawhorn, and Ms. Arathi Pillay.
The PC Care of the Community Scholarship is awarded to an exemplary pharmacy student who has demonstrated a commitment to and leadership in community service. The 2013-2014 recipients of the PC Care of the Community Scholarships are Ms. Chandler Adkins, Ms. Nikki Dominick, Mr. Emmanuel Evuarherhe, Ms. Becca Foster, Ms. Judith Gomes, Ms. Sara Harling, Mr. Kevin Hopes, Ms. Meagan Jenkins, Mr. Jason Jones, Ms. Paige Street, and Ms. Aurezu Zareei.
The Mutual Drug Pharmacy Student Scholarship is awarded to an exemplary student who has exhibited an entrepreneurial spirit and has indicated a career interest in independent pharmacy or pharmacy ownership. The 2013-2014 recipient of the Mutual Drug Pharmacy Student Scholarship is Mr. Dean Koskinos.
The Rufus Sadler Rotary Pharmacy Scholarship is awarded to an exemplary student who has completed at least one year of pharmacy school and who has demonstrated academic excellence, a commitment to service, and integrity in his/her academic work, the practice of the profession, and community service. The 2013-2014 recipient of the Rufus Sadler Rotary Pharmacy Scholarship is Ms. Morgan Fleming.
The David Marion Cullum Scholarship was established by John Cullum of Greenville, SC in memory of his father, a devoted family man, pharmacist , and pioneer in the delivery of comprehensive community pharmacy care in his home community of Monetta, SC. The David Marion Cullum Scholarship is awarded to an exemplary student who comes from a rural area, and plans upon graduation to practice in community pharmacy. The 2013-2014 recipient of the David Marion Cullum Scholarship is Ms. Courtney Daniel.
The J.M. Smith Foundation Scholarship is awarded to an exemplary student with entrepreneurial ambition. The 2013-2014 recipient of the J.M. Smith Foundation Scholarship is Ms. Nicole Rhinehart.
This year, ASP has developed an award to recognize an individual who has gone above and beyond to help our organization. This award is titled the Friend of APhA-ASP Award. The individual who we have chosen most recently was an integral part of making our Low Country Boil a huge success. During this event he helped plan, prepare, and cook the delicious food we served. However, his time commitment was not limited to that event. Throughout the year, he donated additional time and efforts to Generation Rx, which allowed this program to grow exponentially. This allowed us to reach out to more than 2,000 students during our Poison Control Week and Prescription Drug Abuse/ Misuse Programs. These are just 2 examples of how this individual has helped our organization. Therefore, we would like to thank him for all that he does, so If everyone will please put your hands together for this years Friend of APhA-ASP Award winner, Dr. David Eagerton.