SSHP Residency Panel 2014
On the evening of Tuesday, April 2, 2014, Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy’s officially recognized chapter of the Student Society of Health-System Pharmacy (SSHP) held its third annual residency information session. A residency program is a year or two of postgraduate training that pharmacists complete in order to gain clinical experience, and then participants have the option to complete a second year specialized residency in an area of interest such as pediatrics, geriatrics, or oncology. The main duty of a resident is to learn. During a residency, pharmacists typically complete a longitudinal research project, which is presented at the annual Southeastern Residency Conference. This year’s panel was moderated by Dr. Brandon Bookstaver, the Immediate Past President of the South Carolina Society of Health-System Pharmacists;
“This event is very important,” says Caleb Wallace, the current SSHP President. “It helps our members learn how to become strong residency candidates, and it allows them to network with residency program directors and current residents.”
Representatives from many of South Carolina’s top pharmacy residency programs made the drive to Clinton to attend the event, including Greenville Health System, McLeod Regional Medical Center, Palmetto Health Richland, and Spartanburg Regional.
Other guests in attendance included Dr. John Pearson, the current President of the South Carolina Society of Health-System Pharmacists: as well as PCSP’s own Dr. Nancy Goodbar, the current President-Elect of the South Carolina Society of Health-System Pharmacists and faculty advisor of PCSP’s chapter of SSHP.