
PCSP APhA-ASP wins Generation Rx Champion Award

PCSP-SCPhA-ASP-Generation-RX-AwardThe American Pharmacy Association Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) chapter of the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy recently won the Generation Rx Champion Award presented by the South Carolina Pharmacy Association (SCPhA).

The award recognizes outstanding efforts within the pharmacy community to raise awareness of prescription drug abuse. In addition, the Generation Rx Award is intended to encourage educational prevention efforts aimed at patients, youth, and other members of the community.

“The APhA-ASP Generation Rx project has been very active in the Clinton and Laurens County communities,” said Dr. Kayce Shealy, Assistant Professor at the PC School of Pharmacy.

“Student pharmacists have presented poison prevention programs to area elementary schools for the past three years as well as drug abuse awareness programs at area high schools. The group this past fall worked with undergraduates of PC to develop and present an alcohol abuse awareness campaign and program,” she added.

The Generation Rx Award also recognizes the involvement of other community groups in the planning and implementation of prevention programs; innovation and creativity in the creation and implementation of prevention activities; scope and magnitude of prescription drug abuse efforts, and demonstrated impact of prescription drug abuse prevention efforts.

“Additionally, student pharmacists from APhA-ASP partnered with student members of the National Community Pharmacists Association and local law enforcement to host the first annual drug-take back event at the school and plans to continue the initiative on the DEA-scheduled dates in both fall and spring,” Shealy said.