
PCSP Awards Presentation Day 2013

Dr Chris Farrell at PCSPDr. Chris Farrell was named PCSP  Professor of the Year for 2013

The Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy recognized achievements in academics, service, and leadership during its third annual awards ceremony in Belk Auditorium on April 30, 2013.

During the event Dr. Chris Farrell, Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the School of Pharmacy, was named the 2013 School of Pharmacy Professor of the Year.

“It’s great to see how faculty gets involved with the students and how they help, even after hours, to prepare them so that they are well-rounded,” Farrell said when accepting the award. “I’d like to thank the students for making it so exciting in the classroom. I really enjoy seeing the excitement of students. It’s great to hear that excitement, and I hope they carry that with them.”

The Teacher of the Year Award is given to an outstanding teacher on the faculty of the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy each year. Students are invited to nominate a deserving faculty member each spring and nominees are selected for consideration based upon the following criteria:

  • Concern for student learning
  • General knowledge base
  • Encouragement of student participation in the learning process
  • Ability to stimulate learning
  • Informative to students
  • Pedagogical organization
  • Communication skills
  • Correlation between lectures and exam
  • Fairness in the classroom
  • Respect for students
  • Ability to discuss matters outside of class

The winner of the Teacher of the Year Award receives a plague and paid travel expenses to this year’s American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy meeting in Chicago to be recognized at a luncheon for Teachers of the Year from across the country.

Dr. Farrell was described by students with the following comments:

“Shows great compassion for the material being taught.”


“Awesome at explaining anything that needs to be clarified.”


“Passionate about teaching and encourages students to ask questions!”


“Always positive and tests are fair.”


“What sets this teacher apart from others is that they make learning fun and interesting.”


“Really cares about the students here at PC and wants them to succeed.  The door is always open if anyone has any questions or just wants to come by and say hello.”


“Encourages student participation in the learning process.”


“I will be able to use what this professor has taught me as a foundation for future learning.”

Gloria King at PCSP

The Student Advocate Award was created to honor a staff member of the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy who has gone above and beyond “the call of duty” in his or her job responsibilities. Staff are nominated by students during the spring semester and nominees are selected based upon the following criteria:

  • exhibiting concern for and respect to students
  • providing assistance or information to students in a manner that is above and beyond the “call of duty”
  • demonstrating high quality interactions with individual students and/or student groups
  • in some other way, positively impacting students’ experience at the PC School of Pharmacy

The 2012-2013 Student Advocate Award winner was described by students with the following comments:

“Goes out of her way to help students be successful, meet deadlines, and be organized.”

“I remember the first time I called PCSP to ask a question; she sounded so nice and was so helpful that it made me really interested in coming to PCSP!!”

“What sets this nominee apart from others is that she pretty much knows all of the pharmacy students by name.”

“She has made the transition from being close to home to 2 hours away easier. She has made herself always available when we need help with anything or just to talk and that has meant a lot to me.”

“Extremely helpful! Always the first person I ask a question to if I’m not sure who to ask.”


“Whenever I have doubts on whether or not I will succeed, she always provides kind words of encouragement.”

This year’s recipient of the Student Advocate Award is Ms. Gloria King, Student Affairs Coordinator.

Kimberly McDowell won the Outstanding Student Service award while Morgan Fleming was named the Outstanding Student Leadership award winner. Jean Whyte won the Outstanding Student Professionalism award.

The Class Presidents and Liaisons provided leadership this past year by representing their classmates on the Faculty-Student Liaison Committee and the Dean’s Council.  In appreciation of their leadership and service to the School and their classmates, we are proud to present each Class Liaison with a Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy mortar and pestle and each Class President with a plaque commemorating their year as class president.

  • Ryan Griesbaum, Class President, and Fairlynn Grooms, Class Liaison, for their service to the Class of 2014.
  • Pat O’Day, Class President, and Lyndsay Priester, Class Liaison, for their service to the Class of 2014.
  • Josh Johnson, Class President, and Paige Ross, Class Liaison, for their service to the Class of 2014.

PCSP Pharmica FC Soccer Team

PCSP participated in intramural soccer by creating a team called the Pharmica FC and our team was undefeated this past year winning first place in intramural soccer.  This year’s championship team consisted of Alejandro Botero (Team Captain), Jay Patel, Patrick An, John Broccio, Jay Dailey, Dylan Furtick, Fellow Ibrahim, Dillon Moyer, David Ouelett, Frank Owusu, Jimmy Pappas, Atit Patel, Roshan Patel, Alan Rusnak, and Dr. Alfonso Romero-Sandoval.

The Dean’s List recognizes the students who achieved a GPA of at least at 3.50 during the spring 2012 or fall 2012 semesters, earning a place on the Dean’s list for either semester.  We had a total of 78 students make the Dean’s List.

Stephanie Lynne Adams, Spring 2012
Jessica Lynn Anderson, Spring 2012
Ronnie McCall Anderson, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Courtney Tianna Batson, Fall 2012
Marija Betejeva, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Michael Kemper Booth, Fall 2012
Alejandro Botero, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Kianta Neshae Brown, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Katie Christine Brush, Spring 2012
Tuyen Bui, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Travis James Burch, Fall 2012
Kathy Jennifer Carter, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Gina Marie Centola, Fall 2012
Lindsey Rose Christiano, Fall 2012
Lucille Austin Clark, Fall 2012
Ashlyn M. Clarke, Spring 2012
Laleisha Victoria Cohen, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Natasha Nicolette Colvin, Fall 2012
Lindsey Adair Connolly, Fall 2012
Heather Nicole Curry, Fall 2012
Laura Bethany Dajani, Spring 2012
Brittany Lauren Davis, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Katie Louise Davis, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Rachel Wilson Dillman, Spring 2012
Kelly Nicole Dye, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Mary Elizabeth Dykes, Fall 2012
Angela Michelle Eppolito, Spring 2012
Brian Casey Fierova, Fall 2012
Morgan Allison Fleming, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Jessica Lynn Gault, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Tania Maria Ghalayini, Spring 2012
Jenny Monteith Goetzmann, Fall 2012
Sunanda Golakiya, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Lyndsay Raye Gormley, Spring 2012
Shavonda Denise Green, Fall 2012
Fairlynn Renee Grooms, Spring 2012
Cassie Marie Hancock, Fall 2012
Phillippa Elizabeth Holden, Fall 2012


Edana Tamar Holliday, Fall 2012
Brielle Chari Holmes, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Monica Lynne Horn, Fall 2012
Amy Marie Hynes, Fall 2012
Julie Elizabeth Knox, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Kira Lynne Koenig, Fall 2012
Jason Michael Jones, Spring 2012
Lisa Marie Leary, Fall 2012
Marina Yaneli Leon, Fall 2012
Lauren MacLeod Linder, Fall 2012
Matthew Lewis Lineberger, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Molly Ann Livingston, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Cynthia Ly, Fall 2012
Bragan Rebecca Mace, Fall 2012
Landon Zane Marshall, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Sarah Jeannette Masi, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Daniel Paul McLawhorn, Fall 2012
Ricky Albert McMakin, Fall 2012
Courtney Megan Meade, Fall 2012
Harry Stephen Metropol, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Cole Dixon Moore, Fall 2012
Dillon Lewis Moyer, Fall 2012
Jennifer Nicole Murphy, Spring 2012
John Ngo, Fall 2012
Meissa Cikanowick O’Dell, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Demetrios Nicholas Pappas, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Chad Steven Phifer, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Arathi Anitha Pillay, Fall 2012
Courtney Michelle Reed, Spring 2012
Steven Joseph Robinette, Fall 2012
Spencer Marie Shelley, Fall 2012
Kim Sisouk, Fall 2012
Joseph Matthew Sleeman, Spring 2012
Paige Nichole Street, Fall 2012
Megan Danielle Sumner, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Amber Miranda Swann, Fall 2012
Tuedjo Cynthia Tamboue, Fall 2012
Mary-Murk Rebecca Tollison, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Jean Ann Whyte, Spring 2012
Mennie Zoogley, Fall 2012


The President’s List recognizes the students who achieved a perfect GPA of 4.00 during the spring 2012 or fall 2012 semesters.  We had 10 students who hold this distinction.

Travis J. Burch, Spring 2012
Lucille A. Clark, Spring 2012
Jason M. Jones, Fall 2012
Jennifer M. Langley, Fall 2012
Courtney M. Reed, Fall 2012
Steven J. Robinette, Spring 2012
Alan D. Rusnak, Spring 2012, Fall 2012
Spencer M. Shelley, Spring 2012
L. Markie Webster, Fall 2012
Jared J. Williams, Spring 2012, Fall 2012

Pharmacy Student Ambassadors are a volunteer organization of students that serve as ambassadors in public relations with prospective students and their families, alumni, preceptors, and members of the community.  The Director of Admissions selected a student ambassador who has gone above and beyond in serving this past year.  The student selected was always willing to serve in a pinch and on more than one occasion when above and beyond the call of duty.  In appreciation of his service to the School, we are proud to present Bartou Wilson with the Pharmacy Student Ambassadors Extra Mile Award.

Dr. Julie Sease PCSP

Recruiting and admitting quality students here at Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy requires participation by a large number of people, including the Office of Professional Affairs, the Admissions Committee, faculty, staff, and students.  We greatly appreciate everyone’s efforts in presenting the School to external constituents, interacting with prospects, interviewing applicants, and connecting with incoming students.  Each year, the Office of Professional and Student Affairs recognizes a faculty member who has gone above and beyond with an Exemplary Service to Admissions Faculty Award.  The Director of Admissions selected a faculty member who exhibited dedicated service to admissions by attending admissions events, interviewing students, and interacting with prospects and incoming students.  This past year, the faculty member selected interviewed 29 students, attended all 3 admissions open house events and the Early Entry Pre-Pharmacy luncheon, called and wrote notes to accepted students, participated in the Class of 2017 Meet and Greet, helped facilitate our summer Exploring Pharmacy Day Camps – and all this was on top of taking on a new administrative role!  In appreciation for her continued and dedicated service, we are proud to present Dr. Julie Sease with the Exemplary Service to Admissions Faculty Award.

The Preceptor of the Year Award seeks to recognize preceptors’ commitment to excellence and outstanding contributions to the educational development of future pharmacists at Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy.   To be eligible for the award, a preceptor must have precepted a minimum of 6 students during the previous academic year AND must not have received the award within the last five years. The Preceptor of the Year demonstrates high standards of professionalism through:

  • pharmacy leadership, service, and involvement
  • expression of genuine concern for patients
  • development of innovative or progressive practice
  • demonstration of a continuous desire to enhance practice/professional skills
  • employment of mutual respect, patience, and a constructive/positive attitude with students, fellow practitioners, and other health professionals
  • consistent exhibition of professional ethics within the constraints of professional standards and the federal and state laws that govern the profession

This year’s Preceptor of the Year Award goes to: Dr. John Pearson with the Greenville Health System.