
Students serve the school’s mission

“We are always looking for ways for our students to provide service to the medically underserved populations,” said Dr. Nancy Hope, assistant professor at the PC School of Pharmacy.

One recent opportunity came when Hope’s friend Rebecca Painter told her that she would be going on a medical mission trip to Africa and needed over-the-counter medications.

Hope made the PC School of Pharmacy students aware. And the students responded.

PC School of Pharmacy students donated medications for African mission trip“With pride, our students brought in tons of items to be sent to Africa,” Hope said. “They even told local pharmacies about the project, and local pharmacies donated items as well.”

The donated items included children’s and adult vitamins, Benadryl, Tylenol, ibuprofen, cough syrup, Pepto-Bismol, Tums, and other over-the-counter medications. First aid kits were also donated.

“It was a great feeling to witness the selfless acts that are consistently projected by our students that extend into the community for the good of serving others,” Hope said.

The donated medications were sorely needed. Doctors and pharmacists saw an average of 600 patients over six days they held medical camp in Jenjaluse and Chemba, two villages in the “bush” of Africa.

“To see just how grateful these people were for the simplest treasures in life that we take for granted every day truly was life changing,” Painter said.

“The PC students were an amazing help and encouragement. They were definitely blessings sent from above.”