
Students and Faculty attend Midyear


Students and Faculty Attend ASHP Midyear 2014

Tens of thousands of pharmacy professionals from all over the world convened at the largest gathering of its kind December 7-11, 2014, at the 49th American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Midyear Clinical Meeting and Exhibition in Anaheim, CA.  The educational activities at The Midyear are developed to maintain and enhance the knowledge, skills, and abilities of pharmacists and associated personnel in health systems. A dynamic venue for instruction on important issues relevant to contemporary pharmacy practice, the meeting’s five full days of continuing education sessions and networking opportunities are unmatched anywhere.

Approximately 15 PC Pharmacy School students, and several faculty went to Midyear this year, with 10 students presenting posters.  “It was an excellent thing for our students to present posters on a national level,” stated Dr. Eddie Grace, “and a great opportunity for those seeking a residency to interact with current residents and program directors to gain knowledge and insight into the various residency programs.”  The Residency Showcase held at Midyear gathers representatives from hundreds of programs from across the country where our students have the opportunity to talk directly with the representatives and develop fundamental strategies to secure a residency.