

This page and the information contained on it serves as an archival page only.

Please refer to the current strategic plan located here.


2015-2018 Strategic Plan



Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy Three-Year Strategic Plan, 2015-2018


Our mission is to provide a quality education that enables delivery of optimal team-based patient care, fosters leadership, and creates a culture of service.


Our vision is to be a national leader in pharmacy education, scholarship, and service. Our faculty and graduates will be recognized as servant leaders in their communities.


  • Quality education
  • Culture of service
  • Commitment to scholarship
  • Integrity
  • Teamwork

Goals and Objectives


Goal 1. Maintain a High Quality Educational Program to Prepare Graduates for Careers in Pharmacy


Objective A. Maintain full ACPE accreditation of the School of Pharmacy

Task 1. Assure ACPE 2016 Standards are in place by fall 2016
Accountable: Dean, Assistant Deans of Academic Affairs, Professional and Student Affairs, Experiential Education
Assessment: Review standards
Timeline: Fall 2016
Resources required: Resources available

Task 2. Attain an overall NAPLEX AND MPJE first-time pass rate of at least 95%
Accountable: Administration and faculty
Assessment: NAPLEX and MPJE data review
Timeline: Fall 2018
Resources required: Resources available, (variables dependent on outcomes)

Task 3. Establish a School of Pharmacy Accreditation Monitoring Self Study Committee
Accountable: Dean, Faculty
Assessment: Establishment of Committee
Timeline: Fall 2016
Resources required: Resources available (Up-date bylaws and reassign faculty)

Task 4. Review and update self-study on a biennial basis
Accountable: Accreditation Monitoring Self Study Committee, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, Dean
Assessment: Self study report
Timeline: First review spring 2017
Resources required: Resources available

Objective B. Develop an innovative Inter-professional Education Program (IPE) that allows our students to interact and learn with other health care providers

Task 1. Secure participation and ongoing cooperation for IPE from other health care programs in the local and regional area
Accountable: Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, Dean, Director of IPE
Assessment: MOU from area healthcare programs
Timeline: Fall 2015
Resources required: Resources available

Task 2. Include inter-professional interaction and teamwork competencies as course components in thirty percent of P1, P2 and P3 courses
Accountable: Curriculum Committee, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs, Assessment: Number of courses mapped to the IPE component
Timeline: Spring 2017
Resources required: Resources available

Task 3. Engage students in IPE related projects
Accountable: Student government, Assistant Dean for Professional and Student Affairs, Director of IPE, faculty advisors of student organizations
Assessment Report percentage of students in the school who have participatedin officially designated IPE activities per year
Timeline: First report due end of 2017 academic year
Resources required: Additional collaborative relationships with other professional programs

Task 4. Develop multiple experiential education elective courses and ensure the opportunity for students to enroll in IPE rotations
Accountable: Assistant Dean and Director for Experiential Education
Assessment: Number of IPE experiential electives available and the enrollment information for each
Timeline: First report due end of 2017 academic year
Resources required: Experiential sites and training of preceptors

Objective C. Develop and deliver extramural certificate and other programming in various areas of interest to School of Pharmacy students

Task 1. Provide certificate program in Entrepreneurial Education
Accountable: Dean and Director for Center for Entrepreneurial Development
Assessment: Number of students participating and completing the program
Timeline: First enrollment fall 2015, first awarded spring 2019
Resources required: Cost of national certificate tuition

Task 2. Provide leadership development opportunities to all students interested in enhancing their leadership beyond the core curriculum
Accountable: Assistant Dean for Professional and Student Affairs
Assessment: Number of students participating and completing the program
Timeline: First enrollment fall 2016, first awarded spring 2020
Resources required: Resources available

Objective D. Ensure the quality and ongoing maintenance of experiential education

Task 1. Continue to maintain and improve the quality of experiential offerings
Accountable: Assistant Dean and Director for Experiential Education
Assessment: The number of experiential opportunities available and enrollment information for each
Timeline: Yearly
Resources: Experiential sites and training of preceptors


Goal 2. Increase Scientific Discovery in the Areas of Health Services Models and the Development of Translational Research Utilized in the Practice and Science of Pharmacy

Objective A. Foster a culture of research that encourages and enables faculty and students to be engaged in research and scholarly activity.

Task 1. Provide a seminar series of invited outside researchers presenting their work to the PC and School of Pharmacy faculty
Accountable: Director of Research
Assessment: Number of seminars presented and the number of faculty and students attending
Timeline: Spring 2016 and then annually
Resources required: Resources available

Task 2. Support and promote the summer research fellows program within the School of Pharmacy that emphasizes a diverse group of PharmD and underrepresented undergraduate students
Accountable: Director of Research
Assessment: Number of students participating in the research fellows programs
Timeline: Summer 2015 and then annually
Resources required: Resources available

Task 3. Expand relationships with international research opportunities for students and faculty
Accountable: Dean and Director of Research
Assessment: Number of MOU signed with international programs for collaboration in student and faculty research
Timeline: Fall 2017
Resources required: Resources will be budgeted as required based on availability

Objective B. Develop the infrastructure at PC and the School of Pharmacy to identify and facilitate support for extramural research

Task 1. Support the basic research structure developed as part of the NIH BRAD grant
Accountable: Dean and Director of Research, EA for BRAD grant
Assessment: Annual NIH BRAD report
Timeline: 2016-2018
Resources required: Resources available through NIH funding, Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs

Task 2. Provide faculty development programs and resources for identifying funding sources, grant writing, and internal grant review
Accountable: Director of Research
Assessment: Annual report on faculty development programs delivered and grants reviewed for submission
Timeline: 2016-2018
Resources required: Resources available, Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs

Task 3. Engage faculty from PC undergraduate campus in research roundtables to stimulate cross disciplinary collaborative research projects
Accountable Director of Research
Assessment: Annual report on collaborative research programs and projects
Timeline: 2016-2018
Resources required: Resources available through NIH funding, Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs

Task 4. Expand support for an intramural grant funding mechanism to provide seed funding for the generation of preliminary data for extramural grant proposals
Accountable: Dean and Director of Research
Assessment: Dollar amount budgeted to intramural research
Timeline: 2017
Resources required: Resources provided as available


Goal 3. Provide Professional and Community Service to Rural and Medically Underserved Communities

Objective A. Provide wellness programs that include pharmacy health care

Task 1. Maintain the number and quality of wellness programs offered and patients served by the PCSP Wellness Center
Accountable: Director of Wellness
Assessment: Annual report on the number of programs, and patients served
Timeline: Yearly
Resources required: Resources provided as increase occurs (funding)

Task 2. Engage students on APPE’s in wellness programs
Accountable: Director of Wellness
Assessment: Annual report on the number of APPE students in wellness and number of programs provided by students
Timeline: 2015-16 baseline
Resources required: Resources available

Task 3. Provide external programs in wellness in which students and faculty can participate as community service projects
Accountable: Director of Wellness
Assessment: Annual report on the number of external community program provided and number of students and faculty participating
Timeline: 2015-16 baseline
Resources required: Resources available

Task 4. Explore external funding sources to support wellness programs
Accountable: Dean, Director of Wellness
Assessment: Number of sources identified and proposals submitted
Timeline: Yearly
Resources required: Resources Available, Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs

Objective B. Collaborate with SC free medical clinics to develop and provide pharmacy services

Task 1. Provide prescription dispensing to free clinic facilities in the upstate of South Carolina
Accountable: Dean, Chair Pharmacy Practice and PIC of the PCCCP
Assessment: Annual report on the number of prescriptions dispensed and patient counseling interactions provided to each clinic served
Timeline: 2015-16 baseline
Resources required: Resources provided as increase occurs (funding)

Task 2. Develop and expand tele-pharmacy project
Accountable: Dean and Director of Wellness
Assessment: Annual report on the number free clinics and patients served in the tele-pharmacy project
Timeline: 2015-16 baseline
Resources required: Resources provided as increase occurs (funding)

Task 3. Encourage and support scholarly activity on outcomes from the free clinics regarding pharmacy care
Accountable: Dean and Department Chairs
Assessment: Annual report on the outcomes associated with the School of Pharmacy wellness initiatives
Timeline: Yearly
Resources required: Resources available (faculty time for manuscript /research)


Goal 4. Ensure the Quality and Ongoing Professional Development of Students, Faculty, and Staff

Objective A. Recruit and retain high quality and diverse student body

Task 1. Develop a plan to increase yield rates of highly qualified students as defined by the Admissions Committee
Accountable: Assistant Dean for Professional and Student Affairs, Director for Admissions, Admissions Committee
Assessment: Report from the Admissions Committee with definition of high quality students and detailed plan to increase yield of applicants to the professional program
Timeline: Spring 2016
Resources required: Resources available

Task 2. Identify new revenue sources to provide scholarship support for students of targeted populations
Accountable: Dean
Assessment: Dollar amount of new scholarship resources
Timeline: Spring 2018
Resources required: Office of Advancement

Task 3. Establish mechanisms to advance outstanding students into graduate or post-graduate education programs
Accountable: Dean, Department Chairs
Assessment: Number of students who apply and match for residencies or post-graduate programs. Develop data base based on current baseline
Timeline: Spring 2016
Resources required: Assign a faculty member to be the Residency Education Coordinator, expand career fair to include mock interviews for students applying for residency; involve faculty in resume review, mock interviews, and mentoring/evaluation of students applying for residencies; implement residency elective

Task 4. Promote student accomplishments
Accountable: Assistant Dean for Professional and Student Affairs
Assessment: Number of news reports, web postings and press releases
Timeline: Spring 2016
Resources required: Work study position in the Office of Professional and Student Affairs or Office of Communications

Task 5. Establish measurable goals for student diversity
Accountable: Assistant Dean for Professional and Student Affairs, ad hoc committee
Assessment: Admission pool demographics will indicate a percentage increase in minority applications and matriculated students to the PCSP until the PharmCAS applicant pool for underrepresented minorities percentage is achieved
Timeline: Spring 2018
Resources required: Resources available

Objective B. Recruit and retain faculty/staff capable of enhancing the school’s reputation for excellence

Task 1. Enhance faculty/staff salary structure and benchmark against appropriate national peers
Accountable: Dean
Assessment: School at or above average salaries for peer institutions
Timeline: Fall 2017
Resources required: Financial resources for salary increases

Task 2. Dedicate resources to advance the work of highly promising faculty/staff
Accountable: Dean, Department Chairs
Assessment: Annual report quantifying the resources expended and outcomes
Timeline: Fall 2016
Resources required: Resources available

Task 3. Support mechanisms that allow for the local and national dissemination of faculty/staff work that exhibits excellence
Accountable: Dean, School IT department
Assessment: Annual report, Pharmacy Scripts, website, press releases quantifying information disseminated through media outlet sources
Timeline: Fall 2015
Resources required: Resources available

Task 4. Establish measurable goals for faculty and staff diversity
Accountable: Dean, ad hoc committee
Assessment: Creation of a document defining school diversity as it relates to faculty and staff. Determine target numbers according to the definition
Timeline: Spring 2018
Resources required: Resources available

2015 Strategic Plan



As of 5/1/2015, this plan is obsolete.


Click to jump to different sections of the strategic plan:



The mission of Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy (PCSP) is to improve the health of South Carolinians and society in general by developing students with an unwavering ethical foundation who will positively impact the delivery of quality equitable pharmacy care; who will dedicate their lives to community service; and who will provide enlightened leadership in addressing the health care needs of a diverse patient population.



Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy will be recognized as a national leader in education, scholarship, and community service. PCSP will be known for graduating high quality pharmacists who have been trained in team-based delivery of health care and compassion for the patient through experiences in community service. Our faculty and graduates will positively impact the delivery of pharmacy care and will be known as servant leaders in the communities in which they work and live.



  • Delivering QUALITY education
  • Cultivating a commitment to SERVICE
  • Providing SCHOLARLY activity
  • Learning through TEAMWORK
  • Fostering a culture of INTEGRITY
  • Developing COMMUNITY

Important note: The order of the following goals is not intended to imply priority. All the goals, strategic directions, and objectives are considered to have equal priority, and all are intended to be achieved during the five-year life of this plan.




STRATEGIC DIRECTION A.1. Complete the implementation of the PharmD curriculum

Objective A.1.a. By Fall 2013, implement the final 2 years of the 4-year PharmD curriculum. Outcome measures: Curriculum courses developed and offered; Benchmark: 100% implementation of all courses; Accountable: Assistant/Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; estimated 95% completion

Objective A.1.b. By Fall 2014, complete assessment of curriculum in Objective A.1.a. Outcome Measures: Curricular mapping complete and reviewed; Benchmark: 100% courses mapped; Accountable: Curriculum Committee, Assessment Committee, Assistant/Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; estimated 50% completion

Objective A.1.c. By Fall 2015, implement all new changes to the curriculum based on assessment findings from the first 4 years of the program. Outcome Measures: Curriculum and course improvements based on findings of Assessment Committee and Curriculum Committee recommendations; Benchmark: After revisions, at least 85% student satisfaction on course evaluations; Accountable: Assessment Committee, Curriculum Committee, Assistant/Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Timeline: Anticipated start date Summer 2014; Status: Active; no current progress as full curriculum has yet to be implemented


STRATEGIC DIRECTION A.2. Create an innovative Presbyterian Interprofessional Education Program (IPE) that allows our students to interact and learn with other health care providers

Objective A.2.a. By Spring 2012, appoint a taskforce for developing an interprofessional education program. Accountable: Dean; Status: Complete

Objective A.2.b. By Fall 2012, appoint a director of IPE and create an IPE budget to initiate the development of an interprofessional program with other regional health professional programs in the upstate of South Carolina. Accountable: Dean, Assistant/Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Status: Complete

Objective A.2.c. By Fall 2012, begin having faculty and students provide pharmacy-related care for patients in an outreach missionary program established by VCOM or with other partners. Accountable: IPE Director; Status: Complete

Objective A.2.d. By Fall 2013, develop community pharmacy-based models for the prevention, detection, and management of disease states in conjunction with other health care professional programs in our region. Outcome Measures: Development of program; Benchmark: one program developed; Accountable: Chair of Department of Pharmacy Practice; Timeline: On hold; Status: On hold

Objective A.2.e. By Spring 2014, establish an ongoing cooperative IPE program that integrates several health care programs (medicine, nursing, pharmacy, etc.). Outcome Measures: Collaboration with other programs initiated; Benchmark: Programs provided between PCSP and at least one partner; Accountable: Dean, Assistant/Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, IPE Director; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; estimated 15% completion


STRATEGIC DIRECTION A.3. Develop leadership skills and qualities in our students


Objective A.3.a. By Fall 2012, provide leadership development opportunities to all students interested in enhancing their leadership. Outcome Measures: leadership program in place; Benchmark: 25% of students involved in program; Accountable: Assistant/Associate Dean for Professional and Student Affairs; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; benchmark met

Objective A.3.b. By Fall 2013, implement through the leadership development program community service programs with student leadership roles. Outcome Measures: PCSP students serving in leadership roles responsible for coordination and completion of community service projects; Benchmark: At least two programs will be provided each year; Accountable: Assistant/Associate Dean for Professional and Student Affairs; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; estimated 75% completion

Objective A.3.c. By Spring 2014, provide evidence that ethical standards of students have been maintained throughout the program. Outcome Measures: Number of students violating the Honor Code; Benchmark: 97% of students have no violations of Honor Code; Accountable: Assistant/Associate Dean for Professional and Student Affairs; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; benchmark met (2012-2013: 97.83% students had no Honor Code violation)


STRATEGIC DIRECTION A.4. Offer an entrepreneurial certificate program for students


Objective A.4.a. By Fall 2012, establish an entrepreneurial curriculum leading to a certificate program through the Center for Entrepreneurial Development (CED). Accountable: Dean, Director of CED, Assistant/Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Status: Complete

Objective A.4.b. By Spring 2014, have graduates complete the first certificate program. Outcome Measures: Students complete certificate program; Benchmark: 15 students receive certificates; Accountable: Dean, Director of CED; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; estimated 80% completion


STRATEGIC DIRECTION A.5. Pursue the development of dual-degree program(s)


Objective A.5.a. By Fall 2013, investigate the feasibility of developing a dual-degree program with the PharmD (MPH, MBA, etc.) through collaboration with outside institutions. Outcome Measures: Results of discussions with outside entities; Benchmark: Based on results of discussions, move forward with development; Accountable: Dean, Assistant/Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, ad-hoc faculty committee; Timeline: On hold; Status: On hold

Objective A.5.b. By Fall 2014 and based on positive feasibility study, begin development of dual-degree program with outside institutions. Accountable: Dean, Assistant/Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, ad-hoc faculty committee; Outcome Measures; Benchmark; Timeline determined after feasibility study; OBJECTIVE CURRENTLY ON HOLD

Objective A.5.c. By Fall 2016 and based on positive feasibility study and development of a dual-degree program, enroll first students into the program. Accountable: Dean; Assistant/Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, ad-hoc faculty committee; Outcome Measures; Benchmark; Timeline: Determined after feasibility study; OBJECTIVE CURRENTLY ON HOLD


STRATEGIC DIRECTION A.6. Provide residency training for the pharmacy profession


Objective A.6.a. By Spring 2012, create a Residency Information Committee (RIC) that works in conjunction with a residency director search committee. Accountable: Dean, Chair of Department of Pharmacy Practice; Timeline: On hold; Status: On hold

Objective A.6.b. By Fall 2012, hire a residency director. Accountable: Dean; Timeline: On hold; Status: On hold

Objective A.6.c. By Fall 2013, have a residency site relationship developed with at least one outside constituent. Accountable: Dean, Residency Director; Timeline: On hold; Status: On hold

Objective A.6.d. By Fall 2014, apply for an ASHP-accredited residency program with at least one resident in place. Accountable: Dean, Residency Director; Timeline: On hold; Status: On hold

Objective A.6.e. By Summer 2015, pending favorable accreditation finding by ASHP, begin to enroll multiple residents into the program as appropriate based on available learning opportunities within PCSP and our partner site(s). Accountable: Dean, Residency Director; Timeline: On hold; Status: On hold

Objective A.6.f. By Summer 2015, graduate first resident from the residency program. Accountable: Residency Director; Timeline: On hold; Status: On hold

Objective A.6.g. By Summer 2015, investigate the feasibility of creating a specialty PGY2 residency program(s) in areas of practice deemed appropriate based on faculty specialization, interest, and educational needs of possible PGY2 residents. Accountable: Residency Director; Timeline: On hold; Status: On hold




STRATEGIC DIRECTION B.1. Create an infrastructure at the college to provide support for extramural research


Objective B.1.a. By Spring 2012, develop and implement an Institutional Review Board (IRB) in conjunction with an existing health care facility IRB. Accountable: Dean, PC IRB Committee, Director of Research; Outcome Measures: IRB contract with outside facility approved; Benchmark: Proposal submitted to IRB; Timeline: Complete; Status: Complete; IRB established, registered with NIH, 4 submission dates per year

Objective B.1.b. By Spring 2012, appoint a director of research. Accountable: Dean; Outcome Measure: Appointment made: Benchmark: Director functioning in position; Timeline: Complete; Status: Complete

Objective B.1.c. By Spring 2012, have a pharmacy representative on the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Accountable: Director of Research; Assistant Director of Research; Outcome Measures: Representative appointed; Benchmark: Representative serving on committee; Timeline: Complete; Status: Complete

Objective B.1.d. By Spring 2013, develop and implement a research strategy for pharmaceutical and administrative sciences (PAS) and pharmacy practice (PP) departments. Accountable: Director of Research, Assistant Director of Research, department chairs. Outcome Measures: Establishment of strategic plan; Benchmark: Plan approved by faculty; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; An office of research has been developed to mentor faculty in research and grant writing. This office is part of the 5-year NIH BRAD grant to develop research infrastructure at PCSP.

Objective B.1.e. By Spring 2013, develop infrastructure for federal/private grant funding Office of Grants and Sponsored Program Development (GSPD) at the college. Accountable: Dean, Director of Research, Assistant Director of Research; Outcome Measures: GSPD office in place; Benchmark: Grant proposals developed and submitted through the GSPD; Timeline: Complete; Status: Complete

STRATEGIC DIRECTION B.2. Create a culture of research


Objective B.2.a. By Spring 2012, institute a seminar series consisting of outside researchers presenting their work to the PCSP faculty. Accountable: Director of Research, Assistant Director of Research; Outcome Measures: Outside researchers presenting seminars at PCSP; Benchmark: At least four seminars presented per year; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; benchmark met and seminar series ongoing

Objective B.2.b. By Fall 2012, provide ethics training for all faculty and students involved in research. Accountable: Director of Research, Assistant Director of Research; Outcome Measures: All faculty and students involved in research receive ethics training; Benchmark: All involved trained; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; estimated 20% completion

Objective B.2.c. By Fall 2012, provide technical and library resources that faculty consider necessary for research and scholarly activity. Accountable: Dean; Director of Research; Assistant/Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Outcome Measures: All technical and library resources required are available; Benchmark: AACP faculty survey indicates 90% approval with resources available; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; 2013 AACP faculty survey indicated 96.3% agree that adequate library resources are currently available

Objective B.2.d. By Summer 2013, institute a journal club series for PCSP faculty. Accountable: Director of Research, Assistant Director of Research; Outcome Measures: Journal club presentations at PCSP; Benchmark: At least 5 journal club presentations per year; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; estimated 20% completion


STRATEGIC DIRECTION B.3. Create a Center for Student Research (CSR) that enables students to be engaged in research and scholarly activity


Objective B.3.a. By Fall 2012, create a culture of pharmacy and undergraduate student involvement in research projects with faculty through independent study, research courses, summer fellows, and senior thesis projects. Accountable: Director of Research, Assistant Director of Research, Assistant/Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, department chairs, faculty; Outcome Measures: Posters and/or oral presentations at state and national meetings; Benchmark: By 2014, students present 15 posters or presentations per year; Timeline: Ongoing; Status; Active and benchmark met with 25 pharmacy students conducting mentored research during 2012-2013

Objective B.3.b. By Spring 2013, charge the Curriculum Committee of the school to investigate the feasibility of a mandatory research presentation for all students. Accountable: Director of Research, Assistant/Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Curriculum Committee; Outcome Measures; Benchmark; Timeline determined after feasibility study; OBJECTIVE CURRENTLY ON HOLD

Objective B.3.c. By Summer 2013, investigate the feasibility of implementing a summer research fellows program within the School of Pharmacy, particularly emphasizing underrepresented undergraduate students. Accountable: Director of Research, Assistant Director of Research, Dean; Outcome Measures: Completion of feasibility study; Benchmark: By Summer 2013, complete and evaluate results of feasibility study; Timeline: Complete; Status: Complete; program offered in Summer 2013

Objective B.3.d. By Summer 2014, based on a positive feasibility study, implement a summer research fellows program within the School of Pharmacy, particularly emphasizing underrepresented undergraduate students. Accountable: Director of Research, Assistant Director of Research, Dean; Outcome Measures: Existence of annual summer research fellows program; Benchmark: 5 or more participants each summer; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; 5 interns participated in Summer 2013

Objective B.3.e. By Fall 2014, implement a Center for Student Research that provides an organized and structured learning experience through research and seminars. Accountable: Director of Research, Assistant Director of Research; Outcome Measures: Students and faculty poster presentations, manuscripts, grant proposals; Benchmark: By 2016, each faculty have one presentation per year which includes student participation; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; Center exists virtually (since Fall 2013), which allows students to contact Director or Assistant Director of Research who facilitates partnering interested students with faculty for faculty-mentored projects


STRATEGIC DIRECTION B.4. Develop initiatives to stimulate and support extramurally funded research


Objective B.4.a. By Fall 2012, provide faculty development programs for locating funding sources, grant writing, and internal grant review. Accountable: Director of Research, Assistant Director of Research, Director of GSPD; Outcome Measures: Funding sources located for faculty research; Benchmark: By 2014, at least 70% of faculty provided internal grant review; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; NIH BRAD grant secured, several lunch and learns and one-on-one mentoring provided

Objective B.4.b. By Spring 2013, involve faculty from PC campus in research roundtables to stimulate collaborative research projects that cross disciplines. Accountable: Director of Research, Assistant Director of Research; Outcome Measures: Roundtable discussions held that provide collaborative research opportunities; Benchmark: By 2015, at least two collaborative research projects started; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; first research retreat held December 2012 and plans for annual retreats in place

Objective B.4.c. By Fall 2013, institute an intramural grant funding mechanism to provide seed funding for the generation of preliminary data for extramural grant proposals. Accountable: Director of Research, Assistant Director of Research; Outcome Measures: Grants awarded to PCSP faculty; Benchmark: By 2015, two internal grants lead to external funding; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; one faculty member’s seed money has led to two extramural awards and an additional award submission

Objective B.4.d. By Fall 2014, foster collaboration in research with other institutions in the region, state, and nation. Accountable: Director of Research, Assistant Director of Research; Outcome Measures: Grants awarded to PCSP faculty through collaboration with outside institutions; Benchmark: By 2015, at least three faculty have funding in collaboration with outside institutions; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; proposal submitted in October 2013 to join SC INBRE (a statewide network, which includes Clemson, MUSC, and USC)


STRATEGIC DIRECTION B.5. Investigate the possibility of establishing Centers of Excellence in PAS and PP departments


Objective B.5.a. By Fall 2013, explore areas for developing, implementing, and funding for Centers of Excellence in the PAS and PP departments. Accountable: Dean, Director of Research, Assistant Director of Research department chairs, ad hoc committee, Director of GSPD; Outcome Measures: Areas of excellence for funding identified; Benchmark: At least one area vetted for development; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: OBJECTIVE CURRENTLY ON HOLD

Objective B.5.b. By Fall 2015 and based on the results of the feasibility study, consider establishing a Center of Excellence in the PAS and PP departments. Accountable: Dean, Director of Research, Assistant Director of Research, department chairs, ad hoc committees, Director of GSPD; Outcome Measures; Benchmark; Timeline dependent on outcome of Objective B.5.a; Status: OBJECTIVE CURRENTLY ON HOLD


STRATEGIC DIRECTION C.1. Administer wellness programs that include pharmacy health care


Objective C.1.a. By Spring 2012, implement a pharmacy wellness program for the Presbyterian College community. Accountable: Dean, Chair of Department of Pharmacy Practice; Outcome Measures: Wellness services provide to PC employees; Benchmark: At least 50% of PC employees take part in the wellness program; Timeline: Complete; Status: Complete

Objective C.1.b. By Fall 2012, appoint a taskforce to explore other avenues for wellness programming in the rural and upstate areas of South Carolina. Accountable: Dean, Chair of Department of Pharmacy Practice; Outcome Measures: Taskforce identifies rural areas for wellness programs; Benchmark: By 2014, at least one additional rural wellness program is initiated; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Onhold

Objective C.1.c. By Spring 2013, appoint a coordinator for pharmacy wellness services who will be responsible for developing and implementing wellness programs. Accountable: Dean; Outcome Measures: Coordinator appointed; Benchmark: Wellness program further developed and implementation complete; Timeline: Complete; Status: Complete

Objective C.1.d. By Fall 2013, expand wellness programs to outside constituents. Accountable: Dean, Coordinator for Pharmacy Wellness Services; Outcome Measures: Wellness program expanded to include outside constituents; Benchmark: By 2014, at least one additional constituent takes part in PCSP Wellness Program; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Estimated 50% completion


STRATEGIC DIRECTION C.2. Further develop the free clinic pharmacy model of care


Objective C.2.a. By Spring 2012, expand free clinic services currently established at Good Shepherd Free Clinic in Laurens County and St Luke’s in Spartanburg to other free medical facilities in the upstate of South Carolina. Accountable: Dean, Chair of Department of Pharmacy Practice; Outcome Measures: Pharmacy services provided at additional free clinics in the upstate of South Carolina; Benchmark: By 2013, at least one additional free clinic is provided pharmacy services; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; estimated 80% completion

Objective C.2.b. By Spring 2012, pursue avenues of funding to continue free clinic services and future expansion. Accountable: Dean, Director of GSPD; Outcome Measures: Funding is provided to provide existing services and expansion of current services; Benchmark: By 2013; funding is obtained to continue and expand services to at least one more free clinic in the Upstate; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; estimated 50% completion

Objective C.2.c. By Spring 2013, increase scholarly activity on outcomes from the free clinics regarding pharmacy care. Accountable: Faculty, Director of Research; Outcome Measures: Poster and/or oral presentations at state, national, and international meetings and published manuscripts; Benchmark: By 2014, at least two publications or presentations; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; as of 2013, the established benchmark had been met with one peer-reviewed publication, one platform presentation, and numerous poster presentations related to scholarship from efforts in free clinic

Objective C.2.d. By Fall 2014, have free clinic services at sites throughout the Upstate of South Carolina. Accountable: Dean, Chair of Department of Pharmacy Practice, Director of GSPD; Outcome Measures: Pharmacy services provided to free clinics in the upstate; Benchmark: At least 4 free clinics are provided pharmacy services; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; benchmark met with 5clinics being provided pharmacy services


STRATEGIC DIRECTION C.3. Create a culture of community service within the School of Pharmacy


Objective C.3.a. By Fall 2013, establish partnerships with outside entities to engage the community in service and in the delivery of pharmacy health care. Accountable: Assistant/Associate Dean for Professional and Student Affairs; department chairs; Assistant/Associate Dean for Experiential Education; Outcome Measures: Increase student and faculty involvement in community service in the delivery of pharmacy services; Benchmark: 100% of students provide at least 5 hours of service learning during years 1-3 of professional program and 100% of faculty provide at least 5 hours of community service per year: Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; benchmarks met but ongoing annually

Objective C.3.b. By Fall 2013, achieve national recognition in the area of community service. Accountable: Dean; Outcome Measures: National recognition for service provided by faculty and students of PCSP; Benchmark: Lawrence C. Weaver Award; Timeline: Complete; Status: Complete; one of two schools visited in consideration for the 2012 award, PCSP was runner-up


STRATEGIC DIRECTION C.4. Determine the feasibility of providing interprofessional continuing education (CE) programs




Objective C.4.a. By Spring 2012, create an ad-hoc committee to investigate the feasibility of developing a self-sustaining CE program. Accountable: Dean, ad hoc committee; OBJECTIVE CURRENTLY ON HOLD

Objective C.4.b. By Fall 2012 and based on results of a positive feasibility study, appoint a Director of Continuing Education and begin accreditation process with ACPE. Accountable: Dean, Director of CE; OBJECTIVE CURRENTLY ON HOLD

Objective C.4.c. By Fall 2013 and based on results of a positive feasibility study, achieve accreditation from ACPE to provide CE programming. Accountable: Director of CE; OBJECTIVE CURRENTLY ON HOLD

Objective C.4.d. By Fall 2015 and based on the results of a positive feasibility study and accreditation from ACPE to provide CE programming, establish a self-sustaining CE program that provides programming locally, regionally, and nationally. Accountable: Director of CE; OBJECTIVE CURRENTLY ON HOLD


STRATEGIC DIRECTION C.5. Promote pharmacy health care in rural areas


Objective C.5.a. By Spring 2013, track students engaged in community service in rural areas. Accountable: Assistant/Associate Dean for Professional and Student Affairs; Outcome Measures: Increase student involvement in community service in rural areas; Benchmark: At least 85% of students are providing community service in rural area; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; estimated 75% completion

Objective C.5.b. By Fall 2015, track graduates practicing pharmacy in rural areas. Accountable: Assistant/Associate Dean for Professional and Student Affairs; Outcome Measures: Increase the number of graduates practicing in rural areas; Benchmark: At least 50% of graduates practice in rural areas; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; no graduates to track until 2014




STRATEGIC DIRECTION D.1. Ensure full accreditation is awarded to the program by ACPE


Objective D.1.a. By Spring 2013, provide ACPE with requested interim report. Accountable: Dean; Outcome Measures: Continue progress toward full accreditation; Benchmark: Receive full accreditation in summer 2014; Timeline: Complete; Status: Complete

Objective D.1.b. By Spring 2014, update self-study report and prepare for ACPE visit. Accountable: Dean, Assistant/Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Assistant/Associate Dean for Professional and Student Affairs, Assistant/Associate Dean for Experiential Education, ad hoc self-study committee; Outcome Measures: Report completed for submission; Benchmark: Receive full accreditation; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; estimated 50-75% completion

Objective D.1.c. By Fall 2014, achieve full accreditation by ACPE. Accountable: Dean; Outcome Measures: Full accreditation awarded; Benchmark: All 30 standards meet expectation; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; benchmark met as of spring 2013 interim report


STRATEGIC DIRECTION D2. Ensure faculty and staff incentives are equitable in order to promote successful recruitment and retention


Objective D.2.a. By Fall 2012, complete a faculty and staff workload assessment. Accountable: Dean, department chairs; Outcome Measures: Workload analysis report completed; Benchmark: identify percentage of teaching/scholarly activity/service for each faculty member; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; estimated 80% completion

Objective D.2.b. By Spring 2013, review and enhance the mentoring program for new PCSP faculty members. Accountable: Faculty Welfare Committee; Outcome Measures: Faculty mentoring program in place: Benchmark: 100% of all faculty assigned to a mentor; Timeline: Ongoing, Status: Active; estimated 85% completion (focus has been for all assistant professors to receive a mentor)

Objective D.2.c. By Fall 2013, establish pathways for leadership development by supporting a faculty member (biannually) to attend the AACP Leadership Fellows Program. Accountable: Executive Committee; Outcome Measures: Establishment of pathway for leadership development of faculty; Benchmark: By 2015, faculty leadership program provides support for at least two faculty; Timeline: Updated timeline is by Fall 2015; Status: On hold; also considering other development programs

Objective D.2.d. By Fall 2015, achieve at least 50% of faculty salaries at the 75th percentile overall as defined by the AACP Annual Salary Survey. Accountable: Dean; Outcome Measures: Faculty salaries are at the AACP 75% percentile; Benchmark: By 2015; at least 50% of faculty are at 75% percentile of AACP salary survey; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active

Objective D.2.e. By Fall 2015, achieve staff and administrative professional salaries that are competitive both internally and externally to facilitate successful recruitment and retention. Accountable: Dean, Outcome Measures: retention and recruitment of staff not hindered by salary; Benchmark: 95% staff retention; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; estimated 85% retention


STRATEGIC DIRECTION D.3. Improve recruitment and retention of underrepresented minorities among the student body, faculty, and staff


Objective D.3.a. By Fall 2012, develop faculty and staff recruitment strategies to enhance success in recruitment of underrepresented minorities. Accountable: Dean, department chairs, Executive Assistant to the Dean, faculty search committees; Outcome Measures: Increase in minority staff, faculty, and students at PCSP; Benchmark: By Fall 2015, increase minority percentages in applications for staff, faculty, and students by 10% over Fall 2012 baseline; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Objective needs to be revisited

Objective D.3.b. By Spring 2012, utilize partnerships with Claflin University, boys and girls clubs, GEAR UP, and other organizations to offer internships, programming, day camps, etc., for underrepresented minority high school and college students. Accountable: Assistant/Associate Dean for Professional and Student Affairs; Outcome Measures: Increase minority participation in summer programming at PCSP; Benchmark: By summer 2015, increase by 10% the number of minority students taking part in summer programming at PCSP; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active

Objective D.3.c. By Fall 2015, involve student organizations to assist in recruitment of underrepresented minorities from high schools and colleges. Accountable: Assistant/Associate Dean for Professional and Student Affairs, Outcome Measures: Students take part in minority recruitment; Benchmark: 75% of PCSP student organizations assist in the recruitment of minority students; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; student volunteers are currently involved in summer programming for underrepresented minorities from high schools

Objective D.3.d. By Fall 2016, allocate 10% of available scholarship funds to the recruitment and retention of underrepresented minority students to PCSP. Accountable: Dean, Director of GSPD; Outcome Measures: Minority students receive student scholarship funding; Benchmark: At least 50% of minority students receive scholarship funding; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; scholarship resources are being sought


STRATEGIC DIRECTION D.4. Increase the number of scholarships available to all students attending the school


Objective D.4.a. By Fall 2012, develop a plan to recruit and establish endowed scholarship programs for pharmacy students. Accountable: Dean, Director of GSPD, Scholarship and Awards Committee, Assistant/Associate Dean for Professional and Student Affairs; Outcome Measures: Endowed Scholarship program established: Benchmark: By Fall 2013, have at least one endowed scholarship; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; estimated 0% completion

Objective D.4.b. By Summer 2013, develop a plan to recruit and establish an annual scholarship fund for pharmacy students. Accountable: Dean, Director of GSPD, Scholarship and Awards Committee, Assistant/Associate Dean for Professional and Student Affairs; Outcome Measures: Annual scholarship fund established; Benchmark: By Fall 2014, have raised at least $100,000 in the fund; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; estimated 0% completion

Objective D.4.c. By Fall 2016, raise a total of $500,000 in endowed scholarship funds; Accountable: Dean, Director of GSPD; Outcome Measures; Increased funds in endowed scholarship; Benchmark: By Fall 2016, have at least 10 endowed scholarships; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; estimated 0% completion


STRATEGIC DIRECTION D.5. Enhance communication within the School of Pharmacy and with Presbyterian College


Objective D.5.a. By Fall 2012, create an ad hoc committee to investigate communication issues within the school and with the college. Accountable: Dean; ad hoc committee, Outcome Measures: Communication issues determined; Benchmark: Provide issues and action that could be taken to enhance communication; Timeline: Objective inactive; Status: Inactive

Objective D.5.b. By Spring 2013, implement a comprehensive plan that enhances communication within the school among faculty, staff, and students. Accountable: ad hoc committee; Outcome Measures: Plan implemented; Benchmark: By 2014, faculty, staff, and students’ approval of communication is increased on annual survey results; Timeline: Ongoing; Status: Active; PharmCy ScriPts created and sent via email every 2 months


Peer Institutions

PCSP will compare itself with peer pharmacy programs to assess progress and national standing. Each of these peer programs are private institutions located in the southeast region of the United States.

Belmont University
Campbell University
Lipscomb University
Mercer University
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic
Medicine—Georgia Campus
Samford University
Shenandoah University
Wingate University


Benchmark Measures

To assess its national competitiveness, PCSP will employ the following benchmark measures in comparison to the indicated peer pharmacy programs:

  • Faculty recognition (fellow status, board certification, etc.)
  • Faculty teaching and research publications
  • Total extramural sponsored research
  • National board exam performance
  • Demographic characteristics of faculty and students
  • Student and faculty community service programs/projects/hours
  • Innovative teaching methodologies
  • Faculty service on national committees/organizations
  • Minority student enrollment