Clinton Community Attends March on Health Fair 5K Run/Walk
Clinton Community Attends March on Health Fair 5K Run/Walk
It was a chilly and foggy morning on March 21, 2015, as approximately 80 people gathered for the 3rd Annual March on Health 5K Run/Walk held at Bailey Stadium at Presbyterian College. The purpose of this event is to promote the spirit of caring for our community, and to encourage healthy living. Money raised will be used to sponsor children in the
Clinton YMCA Summer Youth Programs. Good health and exercise habits must begin at an early age and PCSP is passionate about sponsoring the community youth’s participation in these programs.
Directly following the race, an information fair focusing on health and wellness, with the theme of “Getting Healthier One Step at a Time”, was held at the Clinton YMCA. This year’s Health Fair will consisted of light refreshments, a variety of health screenings, and educational booths.
Activities included blood glucose screenings, foot exams, blood pressure screenings, bone density screenings, BMI screenings, antibiotic
awareness, sunscreen education, chronic kidney disease education, cancer education, immunizations, smoking cessation education, breast health education, and many more.