PCSP Students to Represent State at Midyear
PCSP Students to Represent State at Midyear
On the evening of Tuesday, September 30, 2014, the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy’s Student Society of Health-System Pharmacy hosted its annual clinical skills competition. A record number of twelve teams competed in the local competition. Of the twelve teams, the top two were selected to represent the PC School of Pharmacy at the South Carolina Society of Health-System Pharmacy’s clinical skills competition. The two teams representing the PC School of Pharmacy at the meeting were Lizzy Holden and Steven Robinette and Courtney Batson and Kerri Bergin.
At the South Carolina Society of Health-System Pharmacy’s fall meeting, the top two teams from each of South Carolina’s colleges of pharmacy orally presented their pharmacist care plans. After the oral presentations were delivered, the winner from the PC School of Pharmacy was determined to be the team comprised of Lizzy Holden and Steven Robinette. Additionally, Lizzy and Steven took home the night’s top honor of best oral presentation of their pharmacist care plan for the entire competition. They will represent the PC School of Pharmacy at the American Society of Health-System Pharmacy Midyear Clinical Meeting, which will take place in December in Anaheim, California.
The Student Society of Health-System Pharmacy would like to thank Drs. Jennifer Clements, Jaime Foushee, and Kate Moore for serving as judges for the local competition; Paige Street for serving as coordinator for the clinical skills competition, and Dr. Nancy Goodbar for her work as the SSHP faculty adviser.