Student gains national recognition
Third-year pharmacy student Morgan Fleming had never considered a career in pharmacy before going to college. But she changed her mind while earning a business degree at Clemson.
“My hopes were to start a career in health care administration after graduating from Clemson,” she said, “but I became interested in pharmacy while I was there. I worked part time in a community pharmacy throughout undergrad, and I developed a passion for our patients and the practice.”
Morgan’s passion for the pharmacy profession was recognized when she was only one of five students in the nation awarded the Zada M. Cooper Scholarship for Kappa Epsilon, a professional pharmacy fraternity.
Founded in honor of the fraternity’s founder, the Zada M. Cooper Scholarship recognizes superior academic achievement and substantial contribution to the fraternity.
“At the School of Pharmacy, I have had the opportunity to develop myself as a leader by holding several leadership positions in professional organizations,” Morgan said.
Morgan is heavily involved in Kappa Epsilon itself, serving as president, head of the social committee, and new member educator. She was also recently selected by fellow pharmacy students to become a member of the school’s chapter of Phi Lambda Sigma, a national pharmacy leadership society. In addition, Morgan serves as the PC School of Pharmacy student representative on PC’s Board of Trustees.
Morgan currently has not specified which area of pharmacy she’ll pursue after graduating next year.
“I have an interest in several areas of pharmacy,” she said, “and I am excited to learn more about these, as well as other career opportunities during my fourth-year rotations.”